Blog 7 2017

Time for a character analysis – old fashioned view “a woman’s place is in the home, having the babies, cooking the meals, whilst the man goes out to work, brings home the wages.   I described this to my Grandmother the first thing that came into her head was Alf Garnet and “silly moo” the reference he made when speaking about his wife!  I had no idea whom he was, so I went off to YouTube to have a look.


Whilst I admit I found the programme comical the only place it would be aired now is on YouTube! However, a more up-to-date version would be The Royle family, and the character Jim Royle.


That was something close to the character I was looking for a cross between Alf Garnet and Jim Royle, although I knew of Ricky Tomlinson’s work, I knew nothing of Warren Mitchell being from a different era, he was certainly not what I expected.


Nonetheless, I had not watched either programme but I did enjoy the black humour and it was good research for my “new man” character, especially with their love of football and Alf Garnett being a “Hammers” fan for which I would have to forgive him, bearing in mind I was born in Highbury and a dedicated Gunner!


In essence I had the basic character, I kept thinking about him, I created a story around his life, early 30s married at 20yrs, four kids, working man, never taken a hand out, proud, respectful of his parents, father is his main role model, old fashioned for his years, votes labour because he considers it to be a working class party.

Loves his wife, does value her and how she runs the home, dedicated mother, and looks after him well.  Loves football, never misses a home match, sometimes takes the older boys, and likes a pint or two after the game but always home for 9pm at the latest. Works hard, overtime when he can get it to pay for extras for his family treats.   Upbeat takes life as it comes.


Costume needs to reflect the characterisation of Billy – basic social clothes, football themed, clean and relaxed for Saturday, outfit for hospital birth apron, plastic gloves (for birth) reference should be humorous.


The plot continues at the birth of his fifth child.

Solo Performance – Blog 1 – Luke Owens

Fontaine – Why am I Straight – Whoopi Goldberg

I enjoy comedy performances so I was drawn to watch this one; ‘Why Am I Straight’, she captivated the audience from the outset, rising up through the floor onto a blacked out stage, the worst singing of a rearrangement of the American National Anthem!


Profound language from the start and continued throughout, necessary to the script but not something I particularly enjoy doing on a stage.   I assumed she was referring to her sexuality with the ‘Why Am I Straight’ but it was a reference to her coming off drugs and seeing the world in black and white.


Goldberg routine focused around people in the press at the current time, topical material that the audience would relate to.   She kept the audience engaged throughout her performance, the references to sexuality and homosexuality she was careful not to cross boundaries.  This was a strong performance from a seasoned performer, she is a very talented actress and performer.   However, I am not sure I am ready for a stand-up comedy performance.